Personalized Ads Targeting at Scale in Real-Time using ML Model
2022-12-18, 12:20–13:05 (Asia/Kolkata), D-2 (Vikram Sarabhai Room)

This talk will give great visibility into How AdTech systems work. End-to-end understanding of RTB (Real Time Bidding) Architecture. Big Data from user's online data points. Applying Machine Learning Models for CTR Prediction. Predict & target users with Personalized Ads based on their interests.

- Why Ads?
- Industry AdTech Revenue
- How AdTech works?
- RTB (Real Time Bidding)
- CTR Prediction
- Big Data
- ML Models
- Targeting

Key takeaways:
- Different Systems involved in the RTB
- the moment you hit a website in the browser till Ads appear, what all steps are going on in the background? how do systems interact with each other?
- Audience Targeting based on the User's data points.
- ML Models for CTR Click Prediction

Target Audience:
No Prior ML Knowledge is required. Open to all.

Audience Level: Beginner/Intermediate

  • B.Tech & M.Tech in CS from IIT Varanasi.
  • 9+ yrs Experience
  • Senior Engineering Manager, AdTech, Hotstar
  • Co-Founder, Maxtap Technologies.
  • ML lead, Myntra

  • Visiting faculty at IIIT Bangalore, Great Learning & Upgrad

  • Patent US & India titled "Personalized Discount Generation System & Method":

  • Multiple Research Papers published at KDD ML Conference:

  • Talk at Fifth Elephant, MLOps Conference: