Ease of application building with Firebase.
2022-12-18, 15:40–16:05 (Asia/Kolkata), E-Hall

Ease of application building with Firebase.

  • Scalability
  • Security or Authentication
  • Authorisation of resources like database
  • Engaging users with apps
  • Multi Platform Integration

<article> In this talk, we will discuss how to ease the building process of the application development process by using different firebase services and use cases.

Scalability, firebase has cloud functions, hosting to cache it in a CDN.

you can start working in cloud functions, by deploying a simple NodeJs express app, and with new features, you can also deploy a next js application to firebase with a single line of code.

Authorisation, firebase has security rules, app check
<article> In this talk, we will discuss how to ease the building process of the application development process by using different firebase services and use cases.

Scalability, firebase has cloud functions, hosting to cache it in a CDN.

you can start working in cloud functions, by deploying a simple NodeJs express app, and with new features, you can also deploy a next js application to firebase with a single line of code.

Authorisation, firebase has security rules, app check

using security rules you can authorize your data, and resources to a certain group of people. also, you can enforce attestation of your APIs that are valid. This way you can save your resources on billing.

Engaging app users

using firebase push notification services available for all devices, it's easy to engage users with the application. It's always a giant pain, to connect your users from a web app to an android or ios application, but with firebase, it's easy with Dynamic Links.

Mulit Platform Integration

It's often hard to maintain controllers i.e transition data from APIs to your codebase-friendly data types. But Firebase comes with a huge set of SDKs for all languages or frameworks out there. And if you're developing flutter apps with firebase it's like a cherry on the cake with a single codebase you can't maintain applications for different devices.

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Learning tech to solve problems, I love to develop web apps. Deploying and maintaining that application is the most interesting part of it. I started learning about web development in the past 2 years. with the Internet, I get huge exposure to development and different tech stacks like the MERN stack, Firebase, Cloud, and many more.